About Washington PUD Association

WPUDA was formed in 1936. It represents 27 nonprofit, community-owned utilities that provide electricity, water and wastewater services, and telecommunications as well as renewable natural gas and renewable hydrogen to more almost one-million residential, business, and industrial customers in communities across the State of Washington.

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The mission of the Washington Public Utility Districts Association is to support, protect and enhance members’ ability to conserve power and water resources of the state and to provide not-for-profit, locally-controlled utility services for the people of Washington.


The Washington PUD Association:
  • Represents PUDs in state, regional, and national legislative and policy processes.
  • Provides information about PUDs and policy issues to its members and the public.
  • Offers training and development programs for utility leaders.
  • Provides opportunities for PUD leaders and staff to meet, share information, and plan cooperative activities.


The Washington Public Utility Districts Association coordinates effective strategic advocacy by our members and provides professional services to support and complement these efforts at the state, regional and federal levels. We are a proactive organization that anticipates change and develops strategies for the future. As a group, we act as and are recognized as the voice of the people. We have a well-informed membership that actively participates in and supports the activities of the organization.

The association provides excellent value for our members. WPUDA is widely respected within the industry and has a collaborative relationship with related organizations. Our members have the authority to provide all utility services to their customers. We speak with a unified voice that builds on the diversity of our membership.

The association supports public power's first right to local control of low-cost, cost-based resources that supply our members’ needs. WPUDA has strong membership and effective staff that utilizes an outcomes-focused planning process. We are headquartered in Olympia in an association-owned building. The organization is financially healthy, fiscally responsible and adequately funded to achieve its stated goals.

Platinum Green

WPUDA built the first office building in the state to be certified LEED-Platinum by the U.S. Green Building Council.

