Member Services
The Washington PUD Association provides a variety of services and programs for its member PUDs. This includes trainings and workshops for commissioners and utility staff.
Associate Member Program

Associate members are generally businesses that support the goals of the Association or have business relationships with public utility districts in the state.
Why become an Associate Member?
Participation allows you the benefits and services designed to sharpen your competitive edge and stay informed about PUD issues and trends. Membership provides the edge your organization needs in the competitive utility industry of products, services and ideas.
What are the benefits?
- Timely news about PUDs through Friday Facts; and informative email news update sent weekly.
- Annual directory of WPUDA members with your company’s name and contact information included.
- Opportunity to be highlighted on WPUDA’s website and in Friday Facts.
- Annual networking event with WPUDA members.
- Use of WPUDA’s special Associate Member logo on your company’s marketing materials.
- Company listing with logo and a link to your company’s website on the WPUDA’s website.
- Special Associate Member registration rate to attend WPUDA’s Annual Conference.
- Sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities at monthly and annual events to maximize your goal of reaching decision makers.
How do I get started?
Any business or organization that seeks a formal affiliation with WPUDA and its members can become an Associate Member. Click on the documents below to get started!
Education Topics and Abstracts
To submit an education topic or abstract please complete the submission form and return it to Lena Mendiola, Director of Member Services and Education, [email protected].
The following committees are accepting topics: PUD Commissioners, Human Resource Managers, Finance Officers, Customer Service Managers, Administrative Professionals, Records Managers, and Communicators.
Heritage Life Member Program
The WPUDA Heritage Life Member Program honors former PUD commissioners, managers and other special friends of public utilities.
The program encourages an ongoing social relationship between active and retired members of the PUD family and allows PUDs to benefit from Heritage Life Members’ wisdom and influence in their communities.
If you are a former utility commissioner or staff member interested in the program, and have at least six years of service, please contact WPUDA.
Annual WPUDA Awards
• Learn more about WPUDA annual awards